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Concrete (from  fr.bétonium) is an artificial stone building material made by forming and solidifying a sealing blend, which is selected in a special way. The sealing mixture consists of a binder (for example, cement, etc.), small and large aggregates, water and special additives.

Prices for concrete and tariffs for the delivery of concrete mixes

Concrete is the main building material used for the production of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as for the construction of monolithic buildings (made from concrete and reinforced concrete).

PJSC "House-building combine-4" produces different grades of premixed concretes and construction blends:

  • concrete;
  • expanded clay aggregate;
  • cement matrix;

masonry cement matrix.


The correlation between concrete classes according compressive strength and grades


Concrete strength class

Average strength of concrete, kgf / cm2

The nearest grade of concrete according strength   



































Types and classification of concrete

Building materials are divided into types, based on their characteristics and purpose. Concrete has its own classification, it is approved by GOST 25192-82.

Concrete is classified according to the following characteristics:

  • by usage;
  • by structure;
  • by type of fillers;
  • by type of binder;
  • According to the conditions of hardening.

By usage, the concrete is divided into:

  • usual - used as a building material for industrial and civil buildings;
  • special - this category includes hydraulic, road-making, thermal insulation, as well as a variety of decorative concretes;
  • special purpose - with sound absorption characteristics, chemically resistant, heat resistant, used to protect against nuclear radiation, etc.

As for the type of filler, there are concretes on dense, special or porous filler.

The structure of concrete is divided into:

По структуре бетон делится на:

  • tight;
  • porous;
  • porouser;
  • large-porous.

According to the hardening conditions, the following types of concrete are distinguished:

  • such that’s harden under natural conditions;
  • such that’s harden under conditions of heat-moisture treatment at atmospheric pressure;
  • such that it harden under conditions of heat-moisture treatment at a pressure above atmospheric pressure (autoclave hardening).

By volumetric mass:

  • density less than 500 kg / m3 - especially light;
  • the integrity of 500-1800 kg / m3 is easy (it includes claydite concrete, foam concrete, aerated concrete, arbolite, vermiculite and pearlite concrete);
  • density of 1800-2200 kg / m3 - light weight;
  • cleanliness 2200-2500 kg / m3 - heavy;
  • density of more than 2500 kg / m3 - especially heavy.

According to the content of binder and aggregates:

  • ready-mix- the ratio of aggregate and binder according to the standard recipe;
  • fatty - reduced content of coarse aggregate and increased content of binder;
  • lean - increased content of coarse aggregate and reduced binder content.
Features of usage:
  • does not cause difficulties for transportation to the construction site;
  • allows to produce monoliths, various building structures and necessary for the construction of buildings for various purposes, including houses, as well as for the construction of mines, tunnels, etc.
  • complicates the process of construction work;
  • takes any shape until completely getting solid.

Before getting solid , concrete mixes should be easily mixed, not separated, transported and easily laid, while remaining mobile and simple in working process.

Sales of the concrete in Kiev

Concrete is a widely used building material, which is used for the production of monolithic, concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures throughout the world. Kiev is not an exception in this rule.

Often used concrete for the foundation. It is a mixture consisting of an binder (cement or other), large and small fillers, water. Subsequently it acquires stone hardness. The strength of concrete directly depends on its grade, quality, type and composition

Sale of concrete in any region, including in Kiev, is carried out by many building companies. The cost of concrete in Kiev is different and does not always characterize its quality. Therefore, in order to buy concrete in Kiev, it is necessary to study the market properly, to take this issue seriously and responsibly. First of all, the cost of concrete depends on its grade and composition.

"House-building combine-4" offers high quality concrete, manufactured in accordance with all requirements. Transportation of concrete to the object is carried out according to the established rules.

Order and delivery of concrete in Kiev

The material is easy to transport and use. Export can be carried out on vehicles of our factory. Transportation of material by customer transport is also possible.

Order can be issued in several ways. The optimal one is an order via the Internet. On the company's website you can see the entire range of the offered goods, the prices for concrete, the price of a cube of concrete, the cost of transportation. If you have any questions related to our products or delivery, our specialists will provide you with a full necessary information and professional advice.

Of course, the capital of our country has a large number of small enterprises and large companies specializing in the manufacture and sale of building materials, including construction mixtures of all types and grades. Each organization offers special terms of sale and delivery. The cost of the material is also different.

As for the House-Building No. 4, the consumer will receive material with high quality characteristics. Due to the high quality of the manufactured building mixtures, the building will be strong and durable, which is of great importance to its owners.

Delivery of concrete by the concrete mixer. Price and service possibilities

Reinforced concrete products, as well as expanded clay concrete, can be transported to the building site by various types of transport, which are also used for the transportation of dry concrete mixes. Many companies use a tipper even when it is necessary to deliver a ready mix not a dry mix. Such methods of transportation can lead to the settling of broken stones and raising the sand-cement slurry. This phenomenon leads to the stratification of ready-mixed concrete, which leads to loss of uniformity of the mixture. As a result, this can affect the strength of the building structure. In order not to face such problems, it is better to use a concrete mixer to transport concrete. The cost with a delivery is calculated based on the price of the one cube of the ready-mixed mixture multiplied on the required volume of delivered concrete.

The advantage of transportation by a mixer is as follows:

  • the ability to prepare the mixture during the way to the building object;
  • constant mixing keeps it homogeneous;
  • The concrete mixture does not flake.

Concrete with delivery is purchased by those building companies that are interested in reducing the construction time.

Mixer for transportation of the ready-mixed concrete is equipped with a special container. During mixer run to the object, it rotates and mixes the concrete, which prevents it from solidifying. The price of the mixture with delivery depends on:

  • volume of concrete mix;
  • distances to the object;
  • grade of concrete.

The cost of the mixture with delivery can be increased if there are problems with access roads leading to a particular building site.

Now the truck mixer has become an integral part of the construction industry. The cost of concrete with delivery is so acceptable that almost all organizations that take care for the quality of building process order the delivery service. If necessary, the managers of the company will help with questions about the possibilities of delivering the building mixture, they will provide prices including the delivery by the concrete mixer.

Our plant offers different types of mixers, the technical characteristics of which allow choosing the appropriate motor vehicle that it is advisable to use if it is necessary to buy concrete with delivery. Mixers differ in the following features:

  • Drum drive type (hydraulic, mechanical);
  • Direction of discharge (forward, backward);
  • Engine type (stand-alone, on the chassis).

Many people are worried about the permissible duration of storage of ready-mixed concrete in the mixer. It depends on:

  • activity of concrete;
  • air temperature.

The residence time of the mixture in the mixer can be about 2 hours. In the conditions of long-term transportation, plasticizers or retarders are added to the concrete, which prevent rapid hardening.

House-building Combine- 4 strives to fully meet the needs of the client. The quality of ready-mixed concrete and services for the delivery meets the requirements of the construction sector.